Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I've always been a huge fan of Star Wars, not the new dreck...just episodes IV-VI. This is a lightsaber mock-up I drew based on this picture. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered in Photoview360.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I've noticed brass knuckles are making some weird fashion comeback...anyway, that's probably why this object entered my cluttered head. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.
Just felt like making a creepy mechanical bug one day...this is what happened. Learned a lot about positioning planes while making the legs...I think this is an area Solidworks needs to improve. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.
This is a fully articulating ninja I put together mainly for a render contest...see image below. I did not model the Xbox controller; I imagine it was downloaded from 3D Content Central for the contest. I rendered it and designed the slice effect. All modeled with Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.
I wanted to test the glass material in Photoview360. Twisted glass tubes came to mind for some reason.
I wanted to make a fully articulating robot that I might be able to use in Blender or a similar program. Animating this guy is a ways off but this is a start. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.
My initial thought on this project was to create a mechanical bug with a Terminator feel. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview 360.
Another tribute to Pearl Jam and their re-release of Ten...the Super Deluxe package. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.
This is my ipod with an image of Pearl Jam's 2008 Super Deluxe Ten set...highly recommended. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.
I'm calling this image, salt&pepper. It was inspired by a set of salt and pepper shakers I had come across earlier in the day. Yes, that's sand in its belly...I don't have salt or pepper texture. Modeled in Solidworks, rendered with Photoview360.